Dynamic Routing In NextJs with Typescript

Dynamic Route: pages/users/edit/[id].tsx

Step 1: Collect each route slugs in the path by the getStaticPath method.

export const getStaticPaths: GetStaticPaths = async () => { 
let users: any = [];
var fbService = new firebaseService("User");
await fbService.getAll().then((value:any) =>{ users = value as IUser[];
const paths = users.map((data:any) => {
return {
params: { id: data.id },
return { paths, fallback: false }}

Step 2: Access route slug in the getStaticProps method and return the props data according to slug.

export const  getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async (context) => {  var firebase = new firebaseService("User");  
let user: any = {};
const { id } = context.params as IParams;
await firebase.getById(id).then((value:any) =>{
user = value as IUser;
return {
props: {user}

Have A Happy Routing!!



Rushik Prajapati

Proficient in ReactJs, NextJs, Angular along with NodeJs and .Net.